Well, as everyone is psyched and buzzing about Isabelle's movie that just came out, we already have book info about her replacement for next year. And honestly, I have mixed feelings about her.
Book 1: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1609588916/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1609588916&linkCode=as2&tag=agdollresources-20&linkId=PLILD6U7PV2PDYPX
Book 2: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1609588924/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1609588924&linkCode=as2&tag=agdollresources-20&linkId=WZK63U7KKCI3ZNXG
(if you have any issue with the links, let me know)
And now, here are my thoughts about her. Before I mention plot, I want to mention how surprised I am that she does not have three books like Isabelle had. I wonder why not? On one hand, she sounds great. On the other, she's boring. Great due to the fact that a) we do not have a performer or arts in any fashion (score!), and 2) she bakes! And goes to France! I mean, we haven't had a doll who travels to another country since Jess all the way back in 2006 I think!
Boring because of having that conflict with her cousin, and that reminds me an awful lot of Kanani and her cousin. And just most of the story line itself. Having to help her friends and training a dog. Yes, another dog. I'm not going to say anything on appearance until I actually see the doll/illustrations for myself. And one more plus, her stories are written by Mary Casanova.
I'm somewhat excited to learn more about her, especially her name! All in due time, though, all in due time.
According to Living a Doll's Life: 28 days left until BeForever!! I can't wait!!
Until next time....peace!
MusicLuver99 and her dolls
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